A knee knows

I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my left knee skiing at Mt. Wachusett in central Mass. on January 18, 2007. This is a common injury to weekend warriors like myself, so I thought others might like to know what happens once you've done something unfortunate like this to your body. Maybe you've injured yourself too, and feel like the game's over. However, you can return to your sport -- you just need to stay focused and do the work.

Here's where it started...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Bob's ACL forum

Discovered lively and active forum on ACL reconstruction: Bob's ACL WWWBoard. I'll be posting regularly to the forum and cross-referencing this blog as I work my way through this.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Once upon a time the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) enjoyed a relatively unchartered existence, when only a fall from a jousting horse or chariot might have sent a knight or gladiator into early retirement due to an unstable knee. In today's world of high speed travel and an ever increasing number of sports enthusiasts, injuries of the ACL are almost common place with a yearly incidence of about 35 per 100,000 of the population. Although we have known about the existence of the cruciate ligaments since they were first described by Galen over 2000 years ago, awareness of their function and the consequences of their loss were not appreciated until much later. Robert Adams observed the first clinical case of an ACL tear in 1837 but treatment in those days was largely conservative and surgery was reserved for life threatening conditions as mortality was high. The first ACL repair was performed in 1895 by Mayo-Robson of Leeds and was followed by Grekow and Hey Groves who initiated acl tear with autologous tissue between 1914 and 1920, almost as we know it today.

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