A knee knows

I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my left knee skiing at Mt. Wachusett in central Mass. on January 18, 2007. This is a common injury to weekend warriors like myself, so I thought others might like to know what happens once you've done something unfortunate like this to your body. Maybe you've injured yourself too, and feel like the game's over. However, you can return to your sport -- you just need to stay focused and do the work.

Here's where it started...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Post-op day 2

Awoke a bit sore today, though I've been scaling back the Percosets. Once I reloaded the Cryo/Cuff and popped a tablet, I felt a lot better. Today, I'm planning three 2-hour sessions on the CPM (and three movies to go with) and to get the bandages off for the first time and have a look at the holes in my leg. Before bed last night, I was feeling pretty good and even boasted I'd be able to give up the Percosets altogether, but that was crazy talk. My goal on the CPM is 10 more degrees today, up to about 58. Sleeping a bit better, though I do wake up a lot with a completely dried out mouth and tongue.

Last night I dreamed I was playing tennis even though I knew I shouldn't and without a brace. It felt scary and I didn't move at all for fear I would do something bad. There was also a part in the Alps, and though there was snow, I wasn't skiing.

My family has been great, especially my wife Diane, who doesn't want to let me do even the most trivial things, like refreshing the Cryo/Cuff with ice water. I haven't tried putting any real weight on the leg yet, and I think that will have to wait maybe a couple more days.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

The second night was a tough night for me as the pain block wore off. I decided to go to the high end Percoset recommendation. Not such a good idea. Spend most of the day in bed wondering why the floor was moving like the ocean. Couldn't see straight so I backed off and removed the anti-naseau patch that they put on before surgery. Felt more normal by evening, covered the knee and sat in the shower - but not keeping up with Stephen's progress on the CPM.