A knee knows

I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my left knee skiing at Mt. Wachusett in central Mass. on January 18, 2007. This is a common injury to weekend warriors like myself, so I thought others might like to know what happens once you've done something unfortunate like this to your body. Maybe you've injured yourself too, and feel like the game's over. However, you can return to your sport -- you just need to stay focused and do the work.

Here's where it started...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fallon PT: You're Fired!

At my last session, my PT let on that she and the junior PT who's been working with me are a bit "bored" and clearly are not sure what to do with me. I get the sense they're accustomed to working with elderly and sedentary patients. It's not like I'm a marathoner or anything, but this is an indication to me that I need to find someone else. The guy I've been working with on my shoulder, who has a lot of experience working with real athletes, has been excellent, so I'm switching the remainder of my PT sessions to him. The first four weeks post-op have been fine with this group, but it's time to step it up and move on.

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