A knee knows

I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my left knee skiing at Mt. Wachusett in central Mass. on January 18, 2007. This is a common injury to weekend warriors like myself, so I thought others might like to know what happens once you've done something unfortunate like this to your body. Maybe you've injured yourself too, and feel like the game's over. However, you can return to your sport -- you just need to stay focused and do the work.

Here's where it started...

Friday, April 6, 2007

4 weeks post-op today

Range of motion continues to improve, along with strength. I've got very close to 140 degrees of flexion. Not much pain to speak of at this point, and the knee feels mostly stable. Now and then just moving around the kitchen, I'll get a little twinge from just lifting my leg and having the knee turn a bit. In general, it feels best when the quads are loaded. Unloaded, the knee sometimes feels wonky.

I'm doing regular workouts at the gym, including squats (yesterday, comfortably with 65 lbs. on the squat rack), also low cable adductor/abductor, leg presses, calf extensions, leg flexor raises, and sessions on the stationary bike. I haven't yet had the time for an aerobic session, but the knee feels plenty strong enough for it.

So, the knee progresses well, but the shoulder, not so much. Had a vigorous PT session day before yesterday, and it's quite sore, and feels worse actually. The fact that I can't tell at this point if I'm making progress or not is a bit discouraging, since the knee is better every day. I recently re-upped for quite a few more PT sessions on the shoulder, but it might be time to re-evaluate. I've been working this now for two months actively, with a brief hiatus for the knee surgery and while I'm definitely gaining strength in the back of my shoulder it's far from being in a tennis-ready state. What I need to see is a steady time line of progress, where the knee and the shoulder are both ready for tennis at more or less the same time later this year (October?).